Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Soft as a flower , Harder than a bullet (LL3)

Soft as a flower , harder than a bullet

Delicate , yet dangerous .

Beautiful , & possibly fatal

especially to any being who

expected never to be.

Soft as a flower , harder than a bullet

Amazing, admirable

Fine , genuine

in your hands i rest my heart

all given to me, its something ;

something i never expected it to be

Delicate , yet dangerous

Marvelous , deadly

some kind of tempest of beauty

excellence , toe to toe with the devil himself

think nothing of it and walk away smiling

Don’t compare the flower to the bullet,

the beauty to the danger. Never expect,

continue to live, be prosperous.

Be the bullet in which the flower came,

don’t compare the flower to the bullet .

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