Monday, November 15, 2010


About the two you’d be confused

The word friend is what is used

But the feelings felt & choices made

You’d never guess at the end of the day

Quotes and sayings being exchanged

I'm glad somewhere someone truly cares”

&& “I don’t know but we shall see I know I’m not gonna want to leave”

About the two you’d be confused

But its a long story and part of it I don’t mind telling you

‘She’ came, ‘she’ saw, and ‘she’ conquered

Only being that he wasn’t able to talk to ‘her’

And at the end of the day lets just say ‘she’ gets what ‘she’ deserves

Yet the type of pain ‘she’ created will continue to live forever on

&& In her mind she’s conquered all

Yet in the end we all know who won

Simply because karma is cold

&& from that point on the two together simply throw two middle fingers up

Which simply equals four times over ..

Monday, Nov. 15,2010




Saturday, November 13, 2010


Mixed messages and lost dreams is all this life style seems to bring

Mixed messages and lost dreams is why I wear the necklaces representing the lost parts of me

Mixed messages and lost dreams is slowly and sadly becoming a part of me

Mixed messages and lost dreams is all that seems to bother me

Mixed messages and lost dreams is beginning to seem to want death from me

Mixed messages and lost dreams is left but yes right yes left yet only right

Mixed messages and lost dreams is the only thing to stay constant to me

Mixed messages and lost dreams is the definition to the antonyms synonyms of the defined word

Mixed messages and lost dreams is all this life of mine wanting death from the necklaces worn, bothering me[s] synonmys antonyms and defining the only part left of me when these mixed messages become..

My lost dreams

Saturday, Nov.13, 2010

