Friday, November 6, 2009

questioning.. maybe.?

about he I'm thinkin' not understanding but i know what I'm feeling yet how to explain, if i tried, conceiveing it you would not be able to. which love is love? for him or he, him thinking for me for she, he thinking for her for they. all still have no idea what love is anyway. but still we stay pretending, lying, actin' like we're comprehending. but we arnt. so why am i still here wishing that one day i could explain to him what he does to the inside of me. never physically but emotionally i have not i.d.ed exactly what it means. maybe he understands and can explain to me, but me, i, I'm definitely afraid to say and or ask he, ill just stay to me. let he be he and let him become the man he is destined to be.

Friday, October 30, 2009


When she cares to call and state she misses you, believe its fact.
When she stays up all night when you have had a bad day, she will always be there
When she says she loves you, never question unless you have reason to
When you are always on her mind, all she is thinking about is the last time everything was perfect
When she thinks to write your name in hearts, but refuses shes afraid of more than many things
When she takes her time to write something like this;___you finish the sentence___.

Him, he, she, me.

as i live i continue to learn allot about myself, life, and love. those that surround me understand me, love me for me. those who love me surround me because of my ability to live breath and let love. those who understand me are just as me and i would be unique. see now if i loved "he" but "he" loves she and she only cares that "he" doesn't love me i let thee love "he" instead of me loving "he" because i love me and don't need "he" to love me but "Him" he has no choice "Him" he loves me for me "Him" he has always been there and "Him" he said he will always be and in his case and this case only i believe. "Him" he knows who he is but "he" has absolutely no idea. "Him" he understands life or at least has an idea "he" on the other hand is still being he, never changing constant slope down hill is the only rearranging. but i love "Him" in every which way yet "he" in his case will always remain where "he" is, just standing, waiting, praying, that one day i will turn back to he. only i cant because when i am turned to face he the 'same-ol-same' is what i see; no growth, no mental ageing. "Him" he has taken me to be.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love vs Love

to love and to be loved soul-ly different
to love and to love together are like water and fire
water: comes in drops and vast amounts
fire on the other hand: is hot no matter how small or large the flame
right or wrong it all burns the same
i guess you can say love is blind but none of that matters when it has made you a deer in headlights
of it most is afraid, some don't see it coming, and the rest is ready to be loved and love with all they have
no matter what no matter when.. it just simply doesn't matter
all that matters is when you love you are truly loved back

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We all see things diffrently:

many personalities bring many different things
many different people can take you to many different scenes
many different things in many different places
which are beautiful and bring smiles to many pretty faces
fat, flat, and slim people and their faces come in many different variations
many different hugs many hand shakes and many different sayings
like an apple a day keeps the doctor away but a hug can cure anything
many scenes and many things walk in my shoes and you'll see what i mean