Friday, October 30, 2009

Him, he, she, me.

as i live i continue to learn allot about myself, life, and love. those that surround me understand me, love me for me. those who love me surround me because of my ability to live breath and let love. those who understand me are just as me and i would be unique. see now if i loved "he" but "he" loves she and she only cares that "he" doesn't love me i let thee love "he" instead of me loving "he" because i love me and don't need "he" to love me but "Him" he has no choice "Him" he loves me for me "Him" he has always been there and "Him" he said he will always be and in his case and this case only i believe. "Him" he knows who he is but "he" has absolutely no idea. "Him" he understands life or at least has an idea "he" on the other hand is still being he, never changing constant slope down hill is the only rearranging. but i love "Him" in every which way yet "he" in his case will always remain where "he" is, just standing, waiting, praying, that one day i will turn back to he. only i cant because when i am turned to face he the 'same-ol-same' is what i see; no growth, no mental ageing. "Him" he has taken me to be.

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